Parking Commission

The Parking Commission is a standing committee of University Senate which makes recommendations regarding parking policies on campus. The Commission is comprised of students, faculty, unclassified and university support staff appointed by the Provost. Each year, the Parking Commission sends rules changes to the Provost for final administrative approval. Changes generally go into effect on August 1.

More information about the Parking Commission can be found in the University Senate Code. Contact University Governance at 785-864-5169 if you are interested in serving on the Parking Commission.

Commission Meetings

The Parking Commission usually meets once per month, September through May. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or at the request of four members of the Commission. In addition, the Parking Commission hosts two public meetings each year, usually in October and March. An email will be sent out two weeks in advance of the forum date to all students, faculty and staff advising them of the time/date. Please contact KU Parking for information about future meeting dates and for meeting agendas and minutes.

Parking Commission Members

Parking Commission Members
NameRepresentingEmailTerm Ends
Allen FordFacultyaford@ku.edu2021
Jacob HammilStudentsjhammil@ku.edu2020
Lynn HancockFacultylynnh@ku.edu2020
Justin JohnsonStaffjustin.johnson@ku.edu2022
Isabella SouthwickStudentsisabellasouthwick@ku.edu2020
Richard StephensStaffricharddstephens@ku.edu2021
Zach ThomasonStudentszthomason@ku.edu2020
Chris WallaceStaffewallace@ku.edu2020
Scott WhisenantFacultyscottwhisenant@ku.edu2022

Additional Representatives

Additional Representatives
NameRepresentingCommittee RoleEmail
Margretta de VriesKU ParkingParking Commission
Donna HultineTransportation ServicesEx Officio
Chris KearyPublic SafetyEx Officio
Saige KillionKU On WheelsEx Officio
Callie LongOperationsEx Officio
Julie LoringAcademic Achievement and Access CenterEx Officio
James ModigDesign & Construction ManagementEx Officio
Aaron QuisenberryTransportation ServicesEx Officio Member
Mark ReiskeDesign & Construction
Kristy SpellmanBusiness & Financial
Diana StanleyKU Court of Parking AppealsEx Officio