Parking News and Updates
Alerts & Updates
Parking Restrictions
A parking permit is required to park in all lots on campus. Most all-staff lots (Gold/Blue/Red lots) are restricted 7 am-5 pm Monday-Friday and are restricted year-round. There are a few lots requiring a staff permit until 7:30 pm.
Find Open Parking
Lot 90 (Yellow) adjacent to Capitol Federal Hall and Ambler Student Recreation Center fills quickly each morning. Yellow lots near the football stadium typically have more available parking and are just as close to Jayhawk Boulevard as Lot 90.
Kansas Issues New Plates
Kansas is replacing older license plates at annual registration and renewal. When you get your new plate, log into your parking account to delete your old plate and add the new plate number. When it asks if you want to "add this new plate to your current permit?" be sure to say YES.
ParkMobile Issues
Due to curent issues with the ParkMobile phone app, we have deactivated ParkMobile campus-wide. Please use the Passport Parking phone app at this time. Check our parking apps page for more information.
Pay for Parking with Your Phone
Download a mobile app and use your smartphone to pay for parking at long-term meters on campus.
More about Mobile Pay